Friday, May 16, 2008

Just Hanging

We were at the park a few weeks ago and Carter discovered the monkey bars. It was amazing to me how he just figured it out. I never showed him. He must have seen another kid doing it. Anyway, I thought it was great and I wanted Kent to witness it so we came back on Saturday. NOT surprisingly, Carter refused to show his dad his new trick- we are continually amazed at his stubborness. Finally, once I had given up and we had both decided to just drop it, he walked over to the slide climbed up the stairs and swung from the bar. At first we had to act like we didn't care so he would keep doing it, but eventually he let us revel in his accomplishment.


TC Jolley said...

That is so cute! Where does he get his stubborn-ness from?!?! We wish you guys still lived in AZ... bummer!

Katie said...

Wow! Another strong willed little guy, do we really have room in the family for another one??? Or maybe they all are, Luke locked the babysitter outside again tonight.

Stephers said...

I love it. He is so darn cute. Isn't being a mommy just so much FUN!
I just can't believe how big they are all getting, they just grow up too fast :)

ksberry said...

That is a cute kid. He should enjoy the bar though-if he's anything like his dad, that's as close as he'll get to hanging on a rim.

angie said...

I love watching Carter-so does Sam, he wants me to play the video over and over again. Sam says, "Sam?" when he's watching- I say, "No that is Carter!" and he smiles really big and says, "CAR!" So cute! I'm glad to hear of Carter's stubbornness- I wish we could put Sam and Carter in a stubborn contest! (though I wouldn't want to be the winner) I keep telling myself it's just the age. Abbie was a very stubborn little thing- and now she is a big sweetheart! Love you guys!

Julie said...

That is pretty impressive. I don't think Owen could even do that and he is 3 1/2.

Natalie said...

Paul and I were laughing really hard. It was so cute how he was checking out the other kid on the monkey bars and then started swinging. I think he was trying to show him up. How's the signing coming, I saw him do "more".

Stephers said...

Hey, I am needing to make my blog private so please send me an e-mail to and I will send you an invite! Thanks.

Mandy said...

You guys have the cutest little boy. I love looking at your blog and seeing the cute videos.