Friday, December 7, 2007

Carter turns one

Carter is one year old!
For Carter's 1st birthday party we invited friends and family over for pizza, cake and games. Of course every game revolved around balls in some way. We kicked balls around cones, we shot balls into the hoop, we threw balls to knock over pins and we played hot potato with a ball instead of a potato. I thought Carter would really get into the games, but he was much more interested in watching the other kids play.

Once he understood that the cake was for him he thoroughly enjoyed it. Though he never actually got to the cake part. He got hung up on the frosting.

It's amazing how much work goes into a little kids birthday party. After it was all over I wondered if it was even worth it. We enjoyed it, but it was a bit overwhelming for Carter. He never could quite decide if "this" was fun or just plain torture.

He got so many gifts that we decided to save some for the next day. As you can see he's still not sure about it. What kid doesn't get excited over presents?!

We captured the birthday cake trauma on video.


Julie said...

How Fun! I love Kent in the background saying, "Take that ridiculous hat off of him."

JennyandTyler said...

I cannot believe he is so big!! I don't think I have seen him since Nicki and I babysat him here in Phoenix! I am so glad that you guys have a blog! We are so bad at keeping our updated, but oh well! Love you guys!

p.s. Does anyone tell you that Carter looks like Blake?

The Brobys said...

I'm so glad you started a blog. Now we can keep up on one more Jackson cousin and their family. Carter is soooo cute. aunt barb

Summer said...

Yay you posted!! What a fun party, the boys had a really great time! Carter is such a cutie, I can't wait to see more pics of him.

Erin Bradley said...

I am so glad you started a blog. Carter is So CUTE! You guys are such an adorable family and we miss hanging out with you guys so much. Are you loving it in Cali? We need to catch up. Miah said to tell you guys hi as well.

Mandy said...

Hey you guys. I am so glad you started a blog!!!!! Carter is so cute. I can't believe he is one! How have things been in Cali?
Miss you guys,
Mandy and Colby